Become an Apprentice
Ontario and Canada have been projecting a number of skilled labour shortages for several years. While Canada is looking to recruit immigrants to fill the predicted skilled labour shortage; Ontario in particular has a very large and young Aboriginal population that can step up to the plate and meet not only Ontario’s challenge but Canada’s as well.
The Aboriginal Apprenticeship Board of Ontario is committed to informing Aboriginal people of the labour market demands in the skilled trades, and supporting their transition into appropriate apprenticeships. The AABO supports apprentices and potential apprentices by promoting the skilled trades and providing ASETS apprenticeship coordinators with current industry information and outreach tools.
Each ASETS employment unit has different programs and services. Employment coordinators can assist Aboriginal people interested in apprenticeships by connecting them with employers and training institutions. ASETS can also provide assistance to employers in the form of wage subsidies while assisting apprentices with funds for training, equipment and mobility when funds and programming are available.
Please click here to find the ASETS apprenticeship coordinator in your area.
Click here for more information about becoming an apprentice.